TERMS Thank you very much for your order. When ordering a seat please be sure to choose the size color of the seat and the stitching color white or black. Also please feel free to contact me with any questions prior to ordering. Thanks for your business and in a couple weeks you'll be ooh so happy you chose one of my seats. My seats are made with the finest products available. Some seats I carry in stock and some I cant stock and are made to order. It honestly takes the same steps for each and every seat. On plain seats please give up to 2 weeks for delivery time. On custom seats please give 2-3 weeks on delivery time. I really try to make these as fast as I can but some weeks I'm busier than others. PLEASE check your spam boxes some emails get misplaced due to business headlines on emails and I try my hardest to answer all emails. So try again or call if not answered. PLEASE don't call everyday wondering about your order. I am a one man band doing my best each and everyday I wake up. These seats are made of skin so some cows are more beat up then others warts, bugs, barb wire, kids with pellet guns, men with branding irons, so I can't control everything. I use the best leather I can find for the seats. REDTAIL LEATHER SEATS ARE MADE FOR RIDING AND ANY ABUSE YOU CAN THROW AT THEM STAB THE THING WITH A KNIFE IT WONT DO $H!T! If you die or get hurt because of anything you think that the seat does or makes you do while on your motorcycle, it is not my fault or Redtail Leather's fault. With anything you put on a chopped bike, use your best judgment please. Don't blame me for bad choices. So pretty much if you have one leg you can't work because you fell off your chopper and you want to blame it on me or the seat, I cant be at fault cause I told you that motorcycles are death traps. |
All content ©2012 Redtail Leather
Website designed by Cursed Out Design